From January 13rd to 19th, in Hall 3.1, MUT Design will host Das Haus 2020.

A careful selection of furniture, materials and a chromatic palette inspired by nature will embellish the spaces, creating a warm and cosy atmosphere to welcome visitors.

The serene elegance so characteristic of the Studio’s designers Alberto and Eduardo, full of nuances and details as original as personal, moves to the concept of this project in which spaces lose their boundaries: architecture and nature, interior and exterior, privacy and communal living merge smoothly and balanced, imperceptibly.

The circular outline of their ideal home is framed on a square plane, presenting itself as a formal experiment in which 4 semi-circular sections open to the outside, while the interior is conceived as a private area, ideal for meditation and a quiet retreat. With the aspa table designed by MUT, pulpo also plays an important role in the overall aesthetic of Das Haus.

Discover MUT Design, MUT Design Studio  and their product “aspa” here!